Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What Do I do when my 15 year daughter have a thing for pets but where we live there a pay for pet policy that?

When she see cats and dogs she want them. She had a dog once and the land lord made us get rid of it because we were breaking the lease. Now we live where pets are allowed but no funds to cover the cost. Please help?|||what about a nintendo ds with the game nintendogs|||Maybe she can volunteer at a shelter? Red Cross I know offers a program teens.

My kids always do the promise that they will keep up after the animals and all will be good. I always end up taking care of them!

Good luck! Also, maybe a friend has a pet that can be kept at the friends house and then she can go to the friends house, be supervised and still keep a pet? Or maybe one of those computer pets?

There is a web site that is your towns name and then yardsales.com like ours is rileyyardsales.com You can post free items or wanted ones.

Also, maybe if you explain to her the situation and show her a copy of the leese it will be helpful or allow her to come up with a solution. Good luck.|||How about trying pet sitting for a while. Not only would your daughter have the opportunity to socialize with pets, but she will also earn some money for the deposit to get another pet in your home.|||She's 15- she's old enough to understand if you can't afford a pet.

Is it possible she could get something like a hamster or fish? Something to call her own.|||Why doesn't she get a job at the animal shelter or someplace where she could be with animals. Then she could could earn money to get her own pet while still being around animals.|||Is it just a pet deposit? You can usually get that back at the end of the lease.|||Just say no until your income can support a pet or she gets a babysitting job and can pay for it~

Can you take in stray cats and make them your pets?

There is this a stray mommy cat with her baby kitten that comes sometime to our backyard. I was think if I could take them in and make them my pets?|||That sounds really nice. Just beware though, stray kittens tend to be rather vicious as they have never had human companions. I actually adopted a stray mother and her 2 kittens a year ago, and it took me approximately 4 months to tame the kittens. So if you intend on making them a part of your family, be prepared for a lot of work and effort - but in the end it is always worth it ^_^...|||of course you can! two of my three were strays! (to be honest i think one was feral) just beware that the mommy cat may be overly protective of her baby,especially since she doesn't know that you don't want to hurt them. but slowly earn their trust,and you could have two great pets|||sure- go ahead... hopefully they aren't the neighbors though : ) Maybe first put up posters - that you found them- if nobodys claims them..they are all yours.|||My mom is great at doing that. She usually tries for weeks just putting food down and seeing if they come up and eat it while she is standing there. She has had several stray cats that she has been able to hold and give them names.|||Maybe put up signs and place an ad in the local paper just to make sure they do not belong to anyone first|||Give them a good home and give them a lot of love.|||it can be done but you must have patience and start slowly. leave some food and water on a step. let her learn she can eat. than try sitting out there with her while she is eating. after awhile try touching her pretty soon if she wants to be domesticated she will allow you to do so. we just took in a wild kitten took me about a week for her to adjust now you would never know she loves to be held. good luck|||If it is friendly it is probably someone's pet but if it is feral than the mom would be hard to domesticate. the Kitten however could be brought it and trained to be inside. i would recommend just putting food and water outside and see how it goes from there|||Yes of course because its only being helpful and friendly.

Why is neutering pets not considered cruel?

I mean would you like to be neutered? If people can't deal with fully-functioning pets then they just shouldn't have them. Why doesn't PETA and other animal rights gropus get after people who neuter animals the same way they went after Michael Vick?|||A lot of animals, especially those bred as pets are prone to cancers (e.g. in rabbits, 80% of doe's are likely to get cancer) that spaying will prevent.

Also most pets are bought single pets and the very strong instinct to breed can cause agression in lots of animals as they 'fight' for top place.

And in you own words "If people can't deal with fully-functioning pets then they just shouldn't have them" How many people could own a dozen fully functioning pets... the first time around. These dozen will reproduce and reproduce again.

If pets are allowed to breed they will cause a lot of genetic defects from inbreeding|||It all comes down to controlling the animal population. Too many times, animals are put down at shelters because there are to many animals to adopt them all or it becomes over crowed. By neutering/spaying, we help to control the population os animals. Have you ever watched Animal Precinct on the animal channel?

Anyway, it's not cruel because the animal is sedated so it doesn't feel the operation. It also helps the animal live a longer, healthier life because it reduces the risk of the animal getting a cancer related to its genitals.|||The biggest argument behind this is controlling the pet population. The reality is, if no animals were neutered at all, then there would be a lot more homless pets running around, and that would be considered more cruel than neutering- letting them reproduce when you know you can't keep the pets or know there is already too many in the area. It may be a little cruel, but that's the price to pay to keep as many pets off the street as possible. And I would love to be neutered.

Edit: Oh, and some female dogs have nasty and heavy periods, and I dont know about you, but I don't want that all over my bed and kitchen floor!|||Neutering prevents reproductive cancers. This is extremely important for some species, such as rabbits, that have very high uterine cancer rates.

A huge reason is to protect the potential babies that could result from an intact pet. If a dog has a litter of puppies, what happens to them? Some might get good homes, but many end up in shelters, euthanized, or in unfit homes. Having an overabundance of pets is probably the greatest factor in animal abuse.|||spaying and neutering is one of the kindest things you can do.. there are MANY health benefits to spaying and neutering, besides removing the risk of unwanted litters.

Just because you have issues with your sexuality doesnt mean an animal feels the same way about its genitals.

For the record.. I'd love to be spayed.|||Would you rather see people euthanizing so many unwanted animals? Would this be more humane?

Neutering/spaying animals is for their own health benefit. So why would you go after someone who is trying to help their animals and keep them from suffering?

Also there are millions of animals being destroyed yearly in USA. That is because there is no homes for them. People let their unfixed animals out and they are multiplying very fast.

read website below. I work at the vet office on the weekends only and see female animals weekly with that. When this happens often they day within a day or two without emergency surgery.

There are many types of cancer that can be prevented with fixing your pet too.

I think we should go after people who crop ears and dock tails and declaw. Those are procedures that are just for benefit of nothing and it is a mutilation of an animal.

I believe it should be mandatory to fix at least some humans to. This world is overpopulated with horrible people.

How about we go after idiots who circumcise boys? this is all done for money.|||-It prevents certain types of cancer.

-It allows the dog to live peacefully as a family pet without the "gotta get me some" feeling...

-Human males are often "neutered" as well. They do it when they no longer want to have children, etc. The same goes with the dog. We have them neutered so they no longer have puppies because we know there are too many as it is and the ones that the dog produced would likely be suffer as a result of the overpopulation and to allow the breeding would be CRUEL!

-Dogs are not like human males by the way. They are not as prideful and they do not think of sex in the same way you do.|||Many animals that do not get fixed and do not breed develop reproductive cancer or other related diseases.

How would you like to be a cat in heat and not be able to do anything about it? My brother and his wife didn't get their cat fixed right away, and she was MISERABLE when she went into heat. Female cats who don't get fixed aren't the only ones who are miserable, either.

It is gross for the owners-- vaginal fluid, humping, menstruation, etc.

Then there are the behavioral problems.

Pet overpopulation is a HUGE issue. Do you really think it is worse to fix animals than to let them roam the street and be put down in shelters because no one is able to care for them?

If animals even realize that something has been taken from them, it doesn't seem to worry them much. I haven't seen a single fixed animal in a loving home that isn't as happy as it would be if it were intact.

Why are you projecting your perceived necessity for potency onto ignorant animals??|||When a human women is physically ready to get pregnant she don't just the first person she sees. A human may be ovulating but most put a lot of thought into pregnancy.

A cat or dog doesn't ask their mate if they're really financially and emotionally ready to have puppies or kittens.

Humans use birth control and many people choose to be sterilized if they do not want children or have had all the children they want.

My cats are not suffering because they can't have kittens together. For female cats I wouldn't say they enjoy mating. Who wants a barbed penis coming at them.|||well some people don't have enough money to keep the pet. Well if the pet has offspring they can't pay for that. They just don't want to go through the hassle.

What kind of pets could I keep in this cage?

Alright so I have this 10 gallon glass aquarium with a mesh lid, and right now it has 2 gerbils in it. I was just wondering, what other kind of pets could I keep in it?|||hamster, rat, mouse, snake, guinea pig, chinchilla, lizards! any animal like that!|||frog, toad, hermit crab, fish tank, snake, mouse, rat, but hermit crabs are easiest to take care of|||a snake, mouse, lizard, turtle, or turn it into a fish tank|||snake






guienea pig


Would you take your pets to a pet daycare while you work?

alot of pets get really stressed when the owners leave the house.They act out by tearing things up and some just whine for a long time but Do you think if you had a pet daycare near you home would you take your pet there so it wouldn't be lonely while your away?|||We have an energetic Brittany Spaniel that goes to our Trainers Daycare about once every other week. We have found that it has been a great time for her to socialize with other dogs, reinforce training techniques and allow her to let off some steam. She absolutely loves her time there!|||I don't think they'd appreciate it if I dragged in a 4 foot aquarium full of fish.|||I'm sorry but I dont think many people would be interested. I mean it would be great for some pets that need human attention (King Charles Cavalier for example), but other pets can usually stay at home and do their own thing.

Am I likely to bring home fleas to my own pets as a dog bather?


I might be hired at petsmart as a bather soon. Am I likely to infest my own cat with fleas if the pets I bathe have them? I'm a little worried.|||As long as you have them on their monthly flea prevention then you have nothing to worry about. Frontline works great. I us to be a Vet Assistant|||I used to work there too! It was a lot of fun. Yes you are likely to bring home fleas. Fleas Travel by jumping on your clothing. You could always just wear a different outfit home. If you keep your cat treated with frontline than you really wont have to worry about it. I know the bathers there when I worked there didn't complain about that though. So you may be ok. I would take the job because its a lot of fun and just change when you leave. You will be wearing an apron thing too. Then keep your cat treated. If it becomes a huge problem (which I really don't see it) than just quit. Good luck have fun!|||I think it is quite likely. Fleas are little jerks. I'm trying to think of a way that you can avoid it...maybe if you have "work clothes" that you only wear at work, and bring to the laundromat to clean...but then there's still your shoes and your hair.

Ugh, I hate fleas. I guess it would be a good idea to look into frontline or a similar medicine. You should ask your vet before you start work. And you can talk to your coworkers about how they handle this problem.

Good luck!|||I learned on somewhere that fleas can destroy a humans immune system. I'm glad that there's flea medicine now... Some of us are going through a slow and torturing death. :(|||Most definitely, did u know fleas can hatch eggs on you then u can carry them back, and that they can live up to three years in your carpet before hatching|||Your asking us, and your going do this for a living???

Why does everyone think it is bad to give your pets plain, no sugar, yogurt?

I have researched this and have several books that recommend it. I have also been using it for years and years on my pets. It is great when they have diarrhea or are on antibiotics. Small amounts are good for their digestive tract.|||Actually my vet says it's a good thing to give a dog or cat after they've had a week or two on antibiotics, the yougurt helps re-establish the stomach and intestinal flora that may have been killed by antibiotic treatments.|||I don't think it's bad (as long as it is in moderation).

It's also great for freezing in a Kong toy for dogs! :)|||Yougurt can be good for animals in small amounts. They even make doggy frozen yogurt for summer time.|||It depends on the pet- birds are supposed to be terribly lactose intolerant (think about it- they don't nurse milk from the mom after birth). Some dogs and cats get sick because technically, no mammal is supposed to be lactose tolerant once off mom's milk. It's a biological thing- it just so happens that some of us are still tolerant.

Would you/Do you feed your pets a vegetarian diet?

I'm just curious to what your opinions are on this.

It's just been one of those things I've wondered what people thought of/did at times.

I don't currently have any pets, just randomly asking.

Would you or do you have your pets follow a vegetarian diet?

Why or why not?|||This is a question a lot of vegetarians and vegans ask. It really depends on you. If you want to feed your pet the diet it was intended to eat, then feed it an omnivorous diet. If you want to feed your pet a vegetarian or vegan diet, then that is okay too as long as you make sure your pet is getting all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients it need. And be sure to consult your vet before you feed your pet a vegetarian or vegan diet. I'm getting a dog soon and I'm still deciding if I should feed him/her an omnivorous diet or a vegan diet.|||I have no pets, and this subject disturbs me because of the hypocrisy involved. I am a vegan, and I see so many vegans and vegetarians friends feeding their pets animal meats or meat products. They also take their pets to veterinarians and have them treated with medicines which were tested on tortured animals in labs. Many of them look down on for eating meat or wearing fur or leather. I know they want everyone to go vegan, but what do they think people will feed their dogs when everyone goes vegan?

Since I don't have any pets, it's not an issue in my own personal life. This is a good question though. People really need to look at all sides of an issue.|||Being a vegetarian is my personal choice, I don't force it on my pet. If you have a problem feeding your cat or dog meat get a rabbit or hamster for a pet.|||I have birds, and they are vegetarian :) Even in nature|||My dog eat a very low amount of meat in her diet. I was actually told by a veterinarian that this would be better for her skin (she has a skin disorder). However, when she does eat meat in her dry food - we ALWAYS buy organic or all natural food. If you look into the ingredients of dog food, it is completely disgusting. There is by-products, meat and bone meal, by product meat ingredients which is rumored to include euthanized animals (dogs and cats), so we always look into the ingredients before buying our dogs food. If you go onto wikipedia and look at the ingredients it will really make you think twice about feeding your animal meat products.|||No, I'm not going to force my lifestyle on my pet. Besides there is a difference between a human and their diet and a pet and their diet. Dogs and ESPECIALLY cats should have meat in their diet for their health. I wish it wasn't so, but thats the way it is.|||i wouldn't.....i don't want to impose my beliefs on anyone or anything. my husband is a meat eater and so are my dogs.|||Our cats are carnivores and eat cat food with either chicken or fish. I don't feed meat to our dog however, our vet approved of it and she is fine and healthy.|||no, meat is a necessity and that just sucks. I feed them dog food and once in a while those really tasty dog foods

How do you make your warlock pets talk?

In WoW I will sometimes hear a warlock pet say something out of the ordinary. For example, while in the Goldshire Inn, an Imp was heard saying something like "If you tell on me, I'll tell on you."

I've heard other pets do it while the warlock was idle and not in combat.

Any clues?|||He probably just clicked on the imps fireshield spell !!

When casting Fire Shield:

"What's in it for me?"

"Do I have to?!"

"You know we've had some real good times together but I really think I should start seeing other warlocks. Just a little on the side. No no no it's not you, it's me. I just really need my space"

When Dismissed:

"Don't call on me, I'll call on you."

"Goodbye. Thanks."

"*indistinct grumbling* ...wish you were DEAD.."

Are there any pets that control pest mice?

Recently my house has been infiltrated by mice. We've called the pest control man, and he laid baid, which was all gobbled up, but there are still mice. It's a fairly old house in a rural area. We've called him to come out again. But the mice have only appeared since we got rid of our two dogs at the end of Feb.Is this a coincidence? Are there any other pets we could get (other than cats which my husband is allergic to) to keep the mice away?|||Cat, ferret, birds of prey, rat terriers|||cats|||an owl :)

put out traps|||a small terrier or a ferret...put out traps...|||cats and dogs, especially terriers are best. you could keep the cats outside. more good news...if you've got mice, snakes will come.|||Buy mouse poison..I'd also go thru your house and everywhere there is an opening, like where water pipes come into the, house and around your dryer vent..you know stuff like that, I's wedge medium grade steel wool. Stops them from coming in|||well,I know that mongoose's usually love to eat mice,but there is always snakes.you might not like that idea though.There is a special system that makes a high pitched noise that humans cant hear,and you plug it into the wall.That noise usually hurts the mice ears,so they would have no choice but to leave.|||FERRETS!!!

but they would have to be loose which might be a problem



I know you said hubby is allergic - BUT did you know light colored short haired female cats have LESS allergens than others? has he talked to his doctor about allergy control?

when you feed a better food (one with no corn... or cheap filler) the cats produce less dander)|||ligers

Do you treat your pets better than human beings?

I have 7 hamsters with 4 Bettas. And people always tell me that I treat my pets better than myself since I spend a lot of money on them. And I think they're right, I actually treat my pets better than myself, friends and even my family. Another thing is I have an anger problem for the littlest thing for people but no anger for pets. So I was wondering if you too treat your pets better than people and yourself?|||It usually depends on the person. It's OK to spoil your pet, as most people do participate in that activity. Even if you buy them more stuff, and people say you like them more, pets don't usually get to play with each other. You're the only one that can give them attention. Friends and family can communicate with other people. I wouldn't worry about what your friends say. I do, however, do the same thing. I often spend more time with my pets then I do my family; I think a lot of people do.|||well, ppl are wrong about you, i guess.

see, you OWN your pets, so you wanna be nice to them, give em the best, treat em the best, and your pets don't anger you, do they? i treat my pets really nice, just like you do. and i spend a lot of money on them too. anger problem, eh? well, you need more pateince and you have to try to be cool, i guess. try to "communicate" more with ppl.

hope that helps|||I certainly treat my animals health better than I treat myself.

I honestly believe I spend more time and money on preventative medicine and the "simple" vet visits for my animals, yet, I myself have not been to a doctor in years.

I do tend to have some moments of frustration with some of my animals on some days.

It absolutely drives me nuts when I am trying to take hay out to the horses and they want to grab it from my hands or from the wheel barrow. More times being in the way and making a mess, but not enough to cause me to be physical toward them, but certainly enough that makes me raise my voice at them type of thing.

So yes, I would probably say I treat animals better than humans...at least myself for sure!|||Yes I certainly do spend a lot on my animals. Sometimes I think our animals live better than some other people!!

I like to spoil my animals rotten.

They are so cute though, it is hard to say no.|||If we most of us treated everyone human as well as we treat our pets, the world would be a much better place.

I treat my 7 pets well and I believe that I treat all humans with equal respect.|||I do. I'll spend more time with my pets than other family or friends. Anytime I get money, all I can think of is what new toy should I get them. And if family spill something I'll argue forever but the moment my dog accidently jumps and spills something i can't help but say its ok and laugh. I just can't help it. How can i get mad at her with those cute little puppy eyes she gives me?|||I have to agree with kelsey a. Animals will love you no matter what, they will even give they're life for you. What human would do that.|||I do. My pets are nicer than most humans. They deserve to be treated better.|||My pets love me and they show it by greeting me at the door keeping me warm at night and setting with me so on and so forth.....my family loves me they show it by stabbing me in the back, and friends what does that word mean again. So yeah I royally spoil my rotts and kitten. They deserve it.|||You sound like my twin. Our seven katz can literally do no wrong because they are CATS, and while I'm sure they understand me, I'm not sure they understand the concept of paying attention. My husband and kids run a very close second to them. Very few people I know treat me as well as my cats do, they are mean and backstabbing and scheming. Why waste my time? Yes, I do treat my cats better than I do most people. Hooray for us.|||depends on the people and the pets...........combinations are important ....some types of pet's aren't good with some kinds of people|||YOU SHOULD TREAT THEM BETTER|||i sure do... i just got a 5 week old puppy that was stranded...and im spending all my free time nuturing her...i love her so much..she makes my heart melt..its awesome having them need you sooooo much.. i cant wait to see the dog she becomes...happy holidays to you and your critters....jessi and nougat|||duuuuuuuuuuh!!!!! people are mean and cruel and stupid and evil. animals are kind, loving, understanding.|||yes, i like animals better than people|||Not my immediate family. But yes everyone else....I would and always would take my critter over people any day. Critters do help with socialization with humans too...I bet if you thought about it I bet you have some great conversation with people about your pets..:0)

My children get along with critters very well too...

Is it safe to have motion sensors when you have pets?

I have heard that it is not possible to have motion sensors when you have pets. Is it true?|||as long as you have different zones you can turn on and off its fine.

But if you dont, unless your dogs are always outside they will be setting them off all the time.|||I never had problems but I never heard that before...my cat died at 22 years old so I guess it did not bother her...|||Hi safe yes, but can be annoying. However MOST motion sensors NOW adays come with a height adjustment.

So if you measure the height of your pet--you can simply make your height adjustment higher than your pet.|||I don't think the motion sensors create problem for pets. I have AlarmForce systems. And have 2 kitties. Their system is customizable. Contact them and check.

What are some really cool, exotic, or just fun pets?

I'm not getting a pet, not yet. I'm just wondering about pets for the future. This got started when my friend told me she was planning on getting an octopus (I didn't know they were pets either). I am looking forward to your answers :)|||Cool pets - dogs, bunnies, sugar gliders...

Exotic pets - lizards, tortoises, turtles, snakes, crabs...

Fun (crazy) pets - budgies, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs...

Hope I helped :)|||Sugar glider!!!:)))|||Justget a dog, you also get a best mate, get an exotic one if you want|||Rehabilitating orphaned squirrels is a BLAST!|||well i have chinchillas

but at the exotic farm i volunteer at we have

3 different types of kangaroos

camels (1hump+2hump)

mammoth donkey

fell pony

bush baby


giant Flemish rabbit

and more|||Ferrets but they take alot of time and effort to look after :)|||You should look at the Ashera cats, genetically made|||Meat eating frogs

How do you train your dogs and cats to not pee on the floor on the sims 2 pets ps2?

becauase i bought a tree ,and kitty litter boxes and the animals use those but the cat will use the box , and then go in the bedroom or the bathroom and pee on the floor even if the bladder is all the way full.the dog does ok using it outside but he still slips up sometimes. Like once or twice i was able to scold the pets for peeing but ever since then i haven't been able to and i really need to. please help|||The only way to teach them not to pee inside the house is to scold them after they've had an accident.... my dog always runs outside by the garbage can and pees there lol.... i usually don't have cats but sometimes if i do i usually scold them. I hope I helped.... good luck!!

Katie... :)|||The only way to get them not to go on the floor is click on them after they've had an accident and it will say praise or scold, you have to scold them so many times for doing that before they are trained.|||buy a willow tree

Is it hard to travel with pets (dogs) on airplanes?

I live and work about 13 hours away from my hometown and where my family still lives. When I go home to visit, I usually fly because I cannot stand being on the road 13 hours. However, I am really wanting to get a small dog (10lbs or under) and I'm wondering if it is difficult to fly with a pet. I have looked up several airlines pet policies and it looks like a lot of them do allow pets. For those of you who have flow with pets (or know more about flying with them than I do) please advise me on whether or not its difficult to have a pet and be able to fly home on occassion. I usually go home a few times a year (usually around the holidays). Of course, I probably wouldn't take my pet with me everytime, just occasionally if I stayed home to visit for a while. Thanks!|||I wouldn't suggest flying with a pet. I did it once and was horrified at the way they treat them. They are treated like a piece of luggage. They can be left out on the runway with the luggage in the freezing cold or blistering heat waiting to be put on and taken away from the plane. If you're flight is delayed, then you have no idea where they keep the animal. The airlines sometimes lose the animal or it's let out of it's cage. You should not sedate your pet because they get moved and rocked around so much they can get hurt smashing against the sides of the cage. Find a good pet sitting service, neighbor or kennel for your pet when you're gone. It's just too stressful for you and the animal. Good Luck!|||Or a good friend that you can trust for your pet to stay with while you are gone ( you will come back to a dog that's happy to see you.

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|||Yes, it is possible to fly with pets. The airline will tell you what size cage you need, vaccination certificates etc.|||oh my god do I have a horror story for you . Please do not fly with your dog . It is a horrible and traumatic expieirience for them . I flew (my mother and I did ) with both our dogs . My mom had her husky and I had my female chi. They were both in seperate cages or carriers rather . Well to make a long story short . Some idiot in the cargo dept decided to put my dogs together . When they arrived both my mom's husky and my chi were covered in dog doo and vomit . it seems that the husky threw up in flight and the husky also dooed all over herself . which my chi ended up getting covered in . I took my chi to the vet because she developed a cough over the next few days and it seems that she has ingested something that was similar in compound to jet fuel !!!! She had developed pneumonia and had to be put down the next month . I was so ticked at the airline I could not speak . I am still in negoiation process with them and my lawyer says it looks real good . so for god sake do not fly with your dog. I hope I helped.|||Check with your airline. Tiny dogs can sometimes be carried in a carrier which you can stow under your seat on short flights. We are able to transport some of our small rescues that way.|||A dog was hit by a plane on our local runway last summer. He had gotten free from cargo two weeks earlier and the airport was not able to catch him. They did not call the SPCA in and handled the whole thing miserably.

The dog was killed by a landing plane.|||I just flight from Germany to the USA.it was horrible . they lost my dog twice (one time in Frankfurt , Germany and the second time in Dallas ). i flight with Lufthansa because i heard they had the best service with pets .never ever will i fly with my dog again if it is not necessary .

ahhh after 1 hour searching for her on the Dallas Fort Worth airport i found her all alone in a stairway ..

How can I help my 5 year old son not to be afraid of dogs or any pets at all?

My son is 5 and a half and when he was 2 we had a little dog get into our yard and jump all over my son's back (which was bare because he wan't wearing a shirt) and scratch him up. He has been so scared of little dogs or dogs that like to play ever since. I have so many friends that have dogs and it has come to the point where we just won't go there anymore. There has to be something I can do to show him that dogs are awsome pets. Do i get a dog and let them bond or do I just take him to my neighbor's who has a dog every so often and get him used to their dog? I don't know what to do. Any thoughts or comments would be greatly appreciated.|||Start going to adoption events where you can be one on one with the dogs. We actually have parents bring their kids up all the time. We are in the same location at petsmart every saturday so its easy to find us and we are always there.

We always have biscuits for the dogs and let the little ones give them biscuits. We really do see many improve over time. I think many do it more as a bonding something "they do" with their kids. And it does help. There are dogs of all sizes and shapes some barking some quiet he will get see many different ones.|||l think making him get use to other people's dogs might help. but getting a small puppy and having it around will help the most. but puppies tend to bite a lot. so l told my sister to go to the shelter and get a dog that was not too old but a adult dog and her little girl got use to that dog and now are bond so close it is almost impossible to separate them|||Maybe take him to a petting farm or something. Or get a very small, very sweet and very cute puppy for him that will grow up into a relatively harmless dog - like a cocker spaniel or a golden retriever or something gentle %26amp; sweet.|||You could try buying him a stuffed animal that looks like a dog. But he may be too old for that to really help him, so I'd say your best bet is to maybe let him get used to dogs a little bit. Put the dog on a leash, and let your son know he can't get to him, but that your son can get to the dog. Just give him time to bond with it. Maybe take him to a pet store, they never have aggressive dogs there (for safety reasons of course) and they're mostly all puppies. Take him into a meeting box with one and see how they do.|||Go to the pound and volunteer to walk some older dogs that are fine with kids. Have your son help you to walk them as well. I wouldn't take him around puppies though, because they bite and that will no help his situation. After he gets used to the idea, you could adopt one of the dogs he's been walking (only if he wants of course) and hopefully he will get over his fear.|||Why not just accept that he doesn't like dogs and not go around them? As someone who grew up as a child being afraid of dogs, my experience has been that when your parents foist a pet dog on you, you learn not just to fear dogs but also to dislike them.|||I'm afraid of dogs too. Esp very active ones.

I guess you really need to start slow. My mum get a little puppy shi tzu that is so harmless and cute looking when it is young, slowly i get used to having dog around. You don't have to force him to interact with it, slowly he will get use to it, and sometimes play with it. Don't expect him to Love Dogs, just let him get over the phobia first is the best.

By the time the little puppy grows up and become big, I'm already use to it. Though I'm still scared of very active dogs, i'm still ok with them being near me (I use to jump around to avoid being near them when I'm younger)

I guess you need to let ur kid grow up a little more so that he will not jump around when he sees a dog.

I think to him, at this young age all dogs/puppies look enormous to him. Give him time. When he is old enough, get a small cuties puppy and let him grow up with it.|||I was deathly afraid of dogs as a child. My parents decided to get a dog to get me over my fear. I was about 7. They got a grown Siberian Husky from a relative and knew the dog was very mellow and friendly. My parents introduced me to the dog and because she didn't attack me and because she was so sweet, I got used to her very quickly. I would take the dog for walks with my parents and I was still scared when other dogs approached, but because I had a well mannered dog with me, I felt protected and this helped me slowly get over my fear. I still have it ingrained in me. Any time I see a strange dog running up to me I still feel that fear I did as a kid, but I can control it now. So it may never go completely away. But without a doubt, my parents getting that dog got me over my fear. I think it's a good tactic, as long as you are certain the dog is kid friendly and not aggressive.|||Maybe take him to pet stores where the doge are either behind glass or cage areas and keep quite a distance between them and your son. that way you and he can just watch them without interaction. Do this for several times until your son realizes that they cannot get to him and he can watch how they play and interact with other dogs in the same pen. Then your son will realize they are playful not trying to hurt him specificaly, with your telling and reconfirming voice . After several times your son will be a little braver and you can shorten the distance between the pens and you and he will adventually want the pups to lick him.|||you might try to find some people in your area that have therapy dogs. these dog visit hospitals to see sick kids and adults. there are therapist that can help you with this problem please do not push the child into petting a dog till he wants to. i hope that he can over come this problem. good luck|||I work at a shelter and we have had several dogs brought to us because they were purchased to help a child overcome its fear and the child didn't, so the dog was kicked out. This is not an option I would rush into.

I really think this question should be posed in a different category - childrearing or psychology. This is not a dog issue, but a people one. If your son is that afraid, simply having a dog around may not solve the problem. I'm terrified of bees, and I'll tell you that having a wasp in my house will NOT make me like them!!!! Get some tips on desensitization for a child.|||i would take him to the local pet store where he can watch the dogs through the glass, watching them this way the puppy are completely non threatening. eventually with a little time and patience he will want to pet the puppies while someone else holds the puppies and he can hold onto you.|||What I would do is start him off with something small, like a hampster or something like that. It will take some time for him to get used to these animals but let him do it at his own pace and don't push him. Take him to the pet shop and ask the people who work there if you can hold the animal. Show him how to do it as well. Let him hold it, but only if he wants to. Gradually move on to bigger animals, like kittens and rabbits, etc. When the time is right, he will understand that all animals will not hurt him, and that he just had a bad experience. I would let him interact with your neighbor's dog only when he initiates it himself. Thats not to say you can't...If he sees you doing it, chances are he will want to also.

Does pets allowed mean that pets are free?

I have been looking at apartments, and some say pets allowed. Does this mean that pets can live their free without a monthly, or deposit fee?|||In general, I'd say no. Apartments/condos/rental homes require you to pay a pet fee so they cam properly clean the apartment after the animal has been there. That way they can get all the dog hair and dander out and get any smells out, fix damage, etc. "Pets allowed" just means they allow you to have pets on the premises, and will likely require you to pay a one-time fee.|||No, definitely not. The apartments I have lived in had a pet deposit, some of which was refundable. For dogs, I know the last apartment I lived in had a one time fee, as well as a monthly fee. I would just call and ask what the fees are, as well as what pets are allowed.|||Probably not most placed that allow pets require a monthly fee in case your pet damages something like the carpet or walls.|||absolutely not! Mostly likely there will be a deposit upon move-in.|||Yeah, I'd say that they're free, but there could be a SMALL fee

Are there places that can take care of your pets while you are away in New York City?

This might be a little early to worry about it, but I'm planning a trip abroad during the summer, and my cat would be left alone for a month. My friends can't take him either because their apartments don't allow pets or they just don't have the time to come over and feed him everyday. Are there places in New York City that can just take care of my cat for a month or so while I'm away? For reasonable prices?

Thank you.|||The very first place to try is asking at your vets. Oh, not about boarding, although that is an option. But what you probably want is a pet sitter, and your vet can usually suggest a reliable company. Sometimes even technicians in their office will do it for extra pocket money.

Pet sitters charge on a sliding scale, depending on how many times a day you want, and if you want them to play with your cat, groom and brush, etc. It is usually better than boarding your cat, as your cat stays in familiar surroundings.

If your vet doesn't have a suggestion, I have posted a link. You can do with it as you like, as I have no idea about any of them.|||http://www.nycdogwalk.com/

This site might help.|||Check the phone book for kennels, some take in cats, ours down in Virginia does. If one doesn't maybe they know someone that does.

What does it mean to dream that you are always trying to make sure your pets are safe?

Ever since I was little I would have dreams with different settings and situations, often the situations were dangerous or unsafe, like tornadoes or volcanoes or fires, but a reoccurring them is that I would always try to make sure my pets and family were safe, most often my pets were the ones I was trying to save.. What does this mean when I dream about trying to protect my pets?|||I have these dreams frequently too and they're always very distressing. I'd say that it's because you love your pets dearly and would be devastated if anything were to happen to them, and perhaps you're subconsciously worried that something will in the near future.|||I have these dreams frequently too and they're always very distressing. I'd say that it's because you love your pets dearly and would be devastated if anything were to happen to them, and perhaps you're subconsciously worried that something will in the near future. It's crazy how much we rely on our pets even though we're the ones who look after them! Also, perhaps the reason you're trying to save them more than your family is because your family can look after themselves, whereas you are the sole carer for your pets and they would be pretty much helpless in dangerous situations like these so you feel the need to protect them more.|||i have had these kinds of dreams too. but in my dreams, it always seems like i cant help them. sometimes i wake up crying. i know my ex girlfriend used to wake me up at night cuz i was having nightmares about something bad happening. who knows why we do it. maybe we are just worried about our little buddies. who knows.|||Nothing bad, but your very worried/ paranoid of the fact you may not be able to controll the saftey of your fellow fury friends. Im kinda like that. I mosty fear of fires though in my house if we lost everything including my animals :(

How do I get the pets with the fancy designs in wizard101?

I have seen several people with pets and even mounts with designs like tiger stripes and stars. Are these dyes or are they just certain pets that you have to buy somewhere? where and/or how do I get them?|||most are free pets from gift cards ($10-20)

they're usually special and provide a specific card that no other of it's kind produces (not sure if that's still true after the Pet Pavilion feature)

do not mistake them for hatch-lings

you can not purchase them in shops in Wizard101

if you go to the gift card section of www.wizard101.com/game

you'll see where you can purchase gift cards in stores

good luck


Our home is flea infested since last week. No pets in home, ever. How to get rid of them?

We have recently discovered that our home is flea infested. No animals in the house. Possibly came from relatives' home with indoor pets, school, who knows? Basement rug very bad. What can I do?|||Pick up a house spray containing an insect growth regulator (methoprene). Zodiac brand is good, and I *think* that Raid makes one as well. Spray/vacuum/wash everything.

Regular sprays without the IGR will only kill the adult fleas, not the eggs or larvae.





Siphotrol (this is the same company as Zodiac, but it's their veterinary brand. Exact same product, but only sold through vets.)

http://www.vetkem.com/products_dogs_home鈥?/a>|||Bug bombs, you can get them just about any hardware store. I found some a Safeway even. They come in a box of three. Get the one with the purple lid and use all three. Cover dishes, any exposed food, and fish tank if you have one. It is very poisonous so set it off before you leave for work.|||You can get flea powder from a local pet store. Sprinkle it on the infested rug, let it sit for an hour, then vaccuum it up. (if directions on bottle are different, follow them, not me.

http://www.petsmart.com/family/index.jsp鈥?/a>|||call terminix asap.

Our house got infested and it got beyond the point of being able to live comfortably before terminix came, don't let that happen to you.

We tried everything from spray to powder to bombs and nothing worked until terminix came.|||They have "bombs" at like wal-mart that should help. You could always call an exterm.|||I would call a professional. Fleas are the hardest to get rid of. I had that problem once and tried bombs, spraying and everything else you could think of nothing worked. You need to find the cause of the fleas. We found a dead possum under the house which was the cause of our fleas.

Good Luck!!|||You should use a mixture of boric acid and salt. Boric acid acts as a desiccant and dries out the exoskeleton of the flea, but does not have any side effects on human beings.Check this out http://pests.in/fleas.html

What would happen to family pets in the world wars?

I suppose I'm specifically interested in what happened in big cities like London, where the kids were evacuated and everyone bundled into the underground and back-garden shelters when the air raid sirens went off. Did the pets go with them into the shelters or platforms? Or were they just left in the houses to be bombed or else scared half to death.. I'm kind of torn on whether its completely unthinkable to leave them out there, or whether it was hard enough to find places to "cram" the humans in that it really wasn't possible to bring pets..|||The biggest problem in the last War, was trying to feed our animals. Dogs weren't so difficult because they are omnivorous so any little scraps were welcomed, but cats were a real problem because they are virtually pure carnivores.

We never went to a public air-raid shelter in Bristol, but hid under the stairs when there was an air-raid - when you looked at an area which had been blitzed, the noticeable thing was how many staircases remained standing when the rest of the house had been destroyed.

So - the dog and cat came under the stairs with us!

People did smuggle pets with them into the public shelters and down London's Underground, and they certainly wouldn't have been left behind when using an Anderson Shelter (which was always full of pet spiders!!). Many animals were left to fend for themselves - often they were the only survivors of a family after an air-raid. We took in a lovely spaniel who survived in a house in the raids on Liverpool - his family perished.

Large zoo animals and poisonous snakes were evacuated from large City areas to country zoos - you didn't really want to meet a hungry lion wandering the streets on top of everything else.

Just another ramble - there wasn't any problem with obesity during the War!!! Nor for some years after because food (and clothes) rationing didn't end automatically with 1945.|||a lot of owners took the heard decision of having their pets put to sleep......i really don,t know what i would have done..and if the worse happens today then i would pray that i would go in the first few days, along with my cats|||Some people take better care of their pets than their kin. Pets go where humans go. They would also establish special pet care centres on account of toilet habits. Dogs are petrified of bombing, also x-mas or Guy Fawkes crackers and need to be calmed and re-assured all the time by their masters.|||They probably were left behind to fend for themselves or perish. Sad, isn't it?|||There will not be a 3rd world war|||In WW 1, people did not have pets per se; the animals had to earn their keep. Dogs guarded the house, cats ate mice and other pests.

WW 2, the animals would be kept as a source of warmth (Body heat)

This only applys to Britian, not other places|||I could never leave my pets - I don't know how people did that to those animals during Katrina.

I'd never leave them no matter what. I love them way too much.|||l would suppose they would go underground to with the pets owners. l mean who wouldn`t take their pets with them|||if there is another world war,i dont think there will be anything or anybody left.we will totaly destroy the world.ps unless you have a cockroach as a pet! dont worry we wont know a thing about it!|||If they were carry-able they were saved. If left, they probably perrished! S=l+ happens. use your imagination. Whats worse, a few dead pets or men killing each other during a war!|||Did you look closely at films made in U.K. in latter part of

World Wars One %26amp; Two? The English are thin. England

had a three month food supply if ocean shipping ceased

and that took into account the Victory Garden produce all

citizens were urged to grow. Try eating American-made Spam as your sole source of protein for the next two years

and feel free sharing the same with any pets because war year foodstuff shortfalls prevented factory production for

pet consumption. Cost of Spam to England was hundreds of drowned seamen who died attempting to ship food past enemy Naval blockade whereas you'll just spend personal resources to feel another kind of pain. Yes, two years of

Spam, and try living off produce of a Victory Garden too.

Is it too unthinkable? Air Raid Wardens would halt all those

transporting pets to public shelters. English who had their

private shelters could %26amp; did share space with pets.|||I assume you meant to ask what happened historically.

People are always given priority over animals during any war. Best not to think about what happened to pets in the Soviet Union. There were cases of out right cannibalism in Stalingrad and a few other cities that were laid siege by the Axis forces.

Certain exceptions were made for service animals (seeing-eye dogs, bomb-sniffers and horses that carted ambulances); but for the most part, animals were left to fend for themselves.

World War I saw to the extinction of the passenger pigeon. Mules and horses were also used to cart supplies and injured; but they were just as vulnerable to bullets and shrapnel as they are today.

Meat of any sort becomes a luxury during war.|||When you running to save your life your not thinking of you pet so much. I'm sure if I could, I would.|||As much as WE ALL love our pets, sometimes they get left behind, or "turned loose" to find their own shelter. It's not like, "Hey, there's an air-raid scheduled for 3:45 this afternoon. I hope I can get a reservation for myself, my family, %26amp; "Fluffy", at the air-raid shelter."

Sad, yes, but that is why they call it "Survival", and NOT "Happily-Ever-After"

Are there any viruses or bacteria both humans and pets can catch?

OK, so I'm just getting over a bout with strep throat and I've noticed that at times the past several days my cat's meow has sounded a bit muted. Can cats and dogs and other pets catch any viruses or bacteria that make humans sick, or has my cat just been mocking me?|||I dont think you gave your cat strep throat.

Rabies, toxoplasmosis, brucellosis, salmonellosis, Yersinia, shigellosis, anthrax, and tuberculosis are all diseases that can be passed from human to animal.

For a complete list and symptoms check out this web site

http://research.ucsb.edu/connect/pro/dis鈥?/a>|||The first poster was correct. The bacteria responsible for strep throat is strictly a human pathogen. Just google "Zoonosis" for a large list of other organisms, including parasites that can be transmitted between humans and animals.|||I am not sure about cats but I do know that ferrets can get the flu so who knows maybe your poor cat did have a bad throat just like you .

How much will it cost to bring 2 cats to the UK from the USA under the PETS travel scheme?

I would just like to know if anyone has done this recently and approx how much it cost for the actual flight and PETS passport? Thanks very much!!|||Your main cost is in shipping (approximately $800 each), but it also requires time. Your cats have to be vaccinated for rabies, and a month later a blood sample submitted to the Kansas State University to get a qualifying titer ($60 each). At the point you get the titer, you count 6 months before you can go to the UK. Three days before shipping, your cat has to get a treatment for worms and fleas (approx $25 each, depending on vet), and has to get a USDA certified veterinary health certificate, $75, (may have to be overnighted to this vet).

Is it true according to the Talmud that your pets must eat before you do?

A friend told me that in the Jewish religion the pets must eat first.

Why is this? Where is this in scripture?|||The exact quote from the talmud is in berachos daf 40 a at the end of the line 6 lines from the top (in the standard Vilna edition) (translation by me- if I have made any errors feel free to correct my translation)

Rav Yehuda says" Rav says that is is forbidden for a person to eat before they have fed their livestock. For it says "and I will provide grass in your fields for your cattle and you will eat and you will be satisfied"

so- it is from the Torah (Devarim Chapter 11 v15) and discussed in the Talmud. As for following it- everyone I know that keeps pets makes a point of keepign this commandment. I don't know anyone who doesn't except for those without pets or any animals to look after.|||You seem confused- my name is allonyoav!

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|||If you would like a source for this look in 'Ben Ish Hai'-Behar Bekutai,Halacha 4.

Report Abuse

|||I am still VERY puzzled why someone who claims to have been raised IN Judaism, in an area with a significant Jewish community would not have known something that is so universally known and practiced by Jews, even who do not live in or near Jewish communities and has been since Biblical days?

Report Abuse

|||Mama P- He was obviously NOT raised Jewish, or in a Jewish community. If you want to further explanation look at-'Ben Ish Hai'-Behar Bekutai,Halacha 4.

Report Abuse

|||Gabi, the source is the Talmud, Ben Ish Chai is a LATER ( a mere thousand years or so later) commentator that utilises the ruling from the Talmud

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|||Actually yes, but not many Orthodox Jews do it.

In the Talmud it says something about you can't eat until you feed your animals. It comes from Deuteronomy someplace.

I know this because a relative does it. I know you'll get a more detailed answer but this was something I myself wanted to know. Unusual isn't it?|||Yes this it true.

It's in Berachos 40a derived from the verse

"And I will give grass in your field for your livestock" — and only thereafter — "and you will eat and be sated." Deuteronomy 11:15.

for some possible reasons see the link.|||You must mean like the working animals and the dog has to be fed then the farmer can go inside and eat.

Why doesn't the wife feed the dog while the old man is hanging up his tools?

Eww...how would you like raw fishguts and toilet paper in your soup?|||Yes, this is true. I think I learned this in Berachos, in the page 39-40 area. Look there, and you might find it.|||Yes it is true that we Jews feed our animals before we feed ourselves and that includes orthodox Jews like myself, Ben Meir.

My three cats always get fed every morning before I eat.|||I am a Reform Jew. It is true that Jews feed our animals before we eat.

While I recognize that the asker, the formerly known as "Kosher Cowboy" ( see comments under the linked q here for evidence) and who has previously claimed to have been REARED in Judaism would most certainly KNOW the answer to this question IF he was indeed reared IN Judaism..http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/ind… ..I'll still give accurate information on this practice

Odd now that the name has changed and it's friends told him this?

And it is far from limited to Orthodox Jews. My mother was born in 1927 and raised from birth in the Reform movement, it is something that she was raised to practice and so was I, who was raised Reform. In fact, it is something that most Reform Jews I know still do. I really cannot even think of any Reform Jewish family I know that has pets, farm animals/livestock or service animals that does not do this.

Orthodox, Conservative, Reform and Reconstructionist Jews follow this practice, even millions of Jews who do not keep a kosher kitchen observe this mitzvah.

If "kosher cowboy" now "Cowboy Jones" had grown up in a Jewish neighborhood..I am certain that this question would have been answered in his childhood.

I grew up surrounded by Baptist, Assembly of God and Methodist neighbors and I still saw it practiced by my parents and other Jews in my extended family..of Orthodox and Conservative movements..and the very small Jewish community of the area ( scattered over a larger geographic area ) of both Reform and Orthodox Jews..of all I know..did this and still do.

In addition to what BMB stated as a source,

..Ahavat Ha-Beriot – – love of all of God’s creations – A principle that encourages appreciation for the world and all of its inhabitants (Leviticus 19.18; Avot of Rabbi Nathan 16).

Tza’ar Ba’alei Chayyim – – the pain of living creatures – A set of laws prohibiting cruelty to animals and obligating acts of compassion and proper treatment of animals used to perform labor (Shabbat 117b; Deuteronomy 22:9).

are the primary sources of this obligation

Jews are obligated to treat animals in our care with compassion (even if they may be only companions, they SERVE us in that capacity) Jews feed our animals before we feed ourselves for the consideration of the feelings of our animals, so that they do not become anxious or distressed in hunger while watching us eat.

Jews have also discovered over the years that for indoor dogs and cats, this has a very practical side, too.

It makes it so much easier to teach a dog or cat not to engage in "begging" at the table when they're puppies and kittens if they've been fed before we are.

My dogs and cats have never been table beggers.

Is it true according to the Talmud that your pets must eat before you do?

A friend told me that in the Jewish religion the pets must eat first.

Why is this? Where is this in scripture?|||The exact quote from the talmud is in berachos daf 40 a at the end of the line 6 lines from the top (in the standard Vilna edition) (translation by me- if I have made any errors feel free to correct my translation)

Rav Yehuda says" Rav says that is is forbidden for a person to eat before they have fed their livestock. For it says "and I will provide grass in your fields for your cattle and you will eat and you will be satisfied"

so- it is from the Torah (Devarim Chapter 11 v15) and discussed in the Talmud. As for following it- everyone I know that keeps pets makes a point of keepign this commandment. I don't know anyone who doesn't except for those without pets or any animals to look after.|||You seem confused- my name is allonyoav!

Report Abuse

|||If you would like a source for this look in 'Ben Ish Hai'-Behar Bekutai,Halacha 4.

Report Abuse

|||I am still VERY puzzled why someone who claims to have been raised IN Judaism, in an area with a significant Jewish community would not have known something that is so universally known and practiced by Jews, even who do not live in or near Jewish communities and has been since Biblical days?

Report Abuse

|||Mama P- He was obviously NOT raised Jewish, or in a Jewish community. If you want to further explanation look at-'Ben Ish Hai'-Behar Bekutai,Halacha 4.

Report Abuse

|||Gabi, the source is the Talmud, Ben Ish Chai is a LATER ( a mere thousand years or so later) commentator that utilises the ruling from the Talmud

Report Abuse

|||Actually yes, but not many Orthodox Jews do it.

In the Talmud it says something about you can't eat until you feed your animals. It comes from Deuteronomy someplace.

I know this because a relative does it. I know you'll get a more detailed answer but this was something I myself wanted to know. Unusual isn't it?|||Yes this it true.

It's in Berachos 40a derived from the verse

"And I will give grass in your field for your livestock" — and only thereafter — "and you will eat and be sated." Deuteronomy 11:15.

for some possible reasons see the link.|||You must mean like the working animals and the dog has to be fed then the farmer can go inside and eat.

Why doesn't the wife feed the dog while the old man is hanging up his tools?

Eww...how would you like raw fishguts and toilet paper in your soup?|||Yes, this is true. I think I learned this in Berachos, in the page 39-40 area. Look there, and you might find it.|||Yes it is true that we Jews feed our animals before we feed ourselves and that includes orthodox Jews like myself, Ben Meir.

My three cats always get fed every morning before I eat.|||I am a Reform Jew. It is true that Jews feed our animals before we eat.

While I recognize that the asker, the formerly known as "Kosher Cowboy" ( see comments under the linked q here for evidence) and who has previously claimed to have been REARED in Judaism would most certainly KNOW the answer to this question IF he was indeed reared IN Judaism..http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/ind… ..I'll still give accurate information on this practice

Odd now that the name has changed and it's friends told him this?

And it is far from limited to Orthodox Jews. My mother was born in 1927 and raised from birth in the Reform movement, it is something that she was raised to practice and so was I, who was raised Reform. In fact, it is something that most Reform Jews I know still do. I really cannot even think of any Reform Jewish family I know that has pets, farm animals/livestock or service animals that does not do this.

Orthodox, Conservative, Reform and Reconstructionist Jews follow this practice, even millions of Jews who do not keep a kosher kitchen observe this mitzvah.

If "kosher cowboy" now "Cowboy Jones" had grown up in a Jewish neighborhood..I am certain that this question would have been answered in his childhood.

I grew up surrounded by Baptist, Assembly of God and Methodist neighbors and I still saw it practiced by my parents and other Jews in my extended family..of Orthodox and Conservative movements..and the very small Jewish community of the area ( scattered over a larger geographic area ) of both Reform and Orthodox Jews..of all I know..did this and still do.

In addition to what BMB stated as a source,

..Ahavat Ha-Beriot – – love of all of God’s creations – A principle that encourages appreciation for the world and all of its inhabitants (Leviticus 19.18; Avot of Rabbi Nathan 16).

Tza’ar Ba’alei Chayyim – – the pain of living creatures – A set of laws prohibiting cruelty to animals and obligating acts of compassion and proper treatment of animals used to perform labor (Shabbat 117b; Deuteronomy 22:9).

are the primary sources of this obligation

Jews are obligated to treat animals in our care with compassion (even if they may be only companions, they SERVE us in that capacity) Jews feed our animals before we feed ourselves for the consideration of the feelings of our animals, so that they do not become anxious or distressed in hunger while watching us eat.

Jews have also discovered over the years that for indoor dogs and cats, this has a very practical side, too.

It makes it so much easier to teach a dog or cat not to engage in "begging" at the table when they're puppies and kittens if they've been fed before we are.

My dogs and cats have never been table beggers.

What is the difference between the sims 2 and the sims 2 pets for the psp?

i knw tht in the sims 2 pets you get to hve pets.|||I believe that you need to get the sims 2 first. Then get the Sims 2 pets as an expansion pack. You need to have the sims 2 in order to be able to use the sims 2 pets, i think.|||You kind of answered your own question. The major difference is one gives you pets, one doesn't. Also, there are more deorating options with the pets and more items.

How do you feel about pets and their owners?

do you think because there are people out there that don't treat their animals like people, dressing them up, babying them etc...(you know what i'm talking about) that it means they don't love their pets? personally, i love my pets but they're animals, you know?|||i live my dog so much i dont know how anyone could not take care of them|||i dont know how ppl could abuse and starve their pet... i mean the pet didnt do nothing to them. i bet if they wherer that animal and felt how being abused is like they prolly would do evrything they can for our animals

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|||I love my pets too, but I am not going to spend the money on clothes for them just to have them rip them off the first chance they get.|||i think as long as you keep them healthy and spend some time with them(walking,rubbing their belly) i think u love them even though i'm a person who babies my dog.|||I don麓t think dressing your pet up is a sign you love it, most pets seem to hate it anyway, so as long as you feed them right and take them for walks and play with them and everything, no one can say you don麓t love your pets.|||I have 1 dog that has to wear clothes a lot of the time. She gets cold easily. It is funny because when she had her shirt on the other dog wanted to wear clothes. So I got her a t shirt too and let her wear it for about 5 min. at a time until she started panting too bad. I think she learned her lesson cause she does not seem to want to wear it even if her sister is dressed. Rue 21 had little dog t shirts for 3 dollars, but I have seen dog stuff for over 50 dollars. Yes, although I love my dogs very much I have to agree they are animals.|||I agree with you that animals shouldn't be dressed and powdered, and so on , in this case they really are animal, and I give you right , that would be selfish to get treatments for animals just because we don't want to miss them. and I am sorry if I thought you just didn't want to spend money on your pet, and just let them die because of the money, but for your Question, animals as well as children are helpless and dependent on us, they can do very little for themselves, that is why I think, if we really don't love them , and cannot take care of them, shouldn't have them, and we should never have them just for show , as it is in lots of cases some people use them and carry them like hand bags.

I wish you lots of fun with you dog. I am sure he loves you dearly too.

I have the Sims 2 Pets and University. How do I play both games on one disc?

I have the Sims 2 Pets and University, and I've been told that I can play the University Expansion Pack on the Pets disc. Apparently it saves it on there or something. Can someone please tell me how I can do this?|||well...umm,if you want to play sims2 pets and university together on one disk,all you have to do is make sure you the main game,which is the original sims2 game,you have to have the original game to play all the other sims2 games...

then you just shove the university disk in your PC,install it,then press finish(but make sure you don't let the game start)then take out the sims2 pets game and shove it in your PC again(yes,i mean it) install it and in the future you just have to use the last disc you installed in the PC to play all the sims2 games...

i hope this helped^^|||You always play the game using the disk for the latest expansion pack. In your case Pets is the latest expansion so the game will only run using that disk. When you save your game it is not saved on the disk but on your hard drive. You will still be able to play university with the pets disk. So just stick the disk in and play as you always would.

What are you getting your pets for Christmas?

What are you getting for your pets for Christmas? I feel it's important while people are opening gifts that the animals know that you love them. What I did with my three kittens is I got them this flat thing with tubing and a ball attached to it that they can play with, two balls, and 2 bags of cat food. I got my dog a tennis ball and a big glow in the dark ball and I will also be getting him one of the big giant bones.

So, what did you get your pets or what are you going to get them?|||A stocking with chew toys, lol.|||I plan to give my two small Chihuahuas this motorized mouse toy. I know it's made for cats but my Chihuahuas tend to act like cats alot. Weird!

For my Boxer plan to give him a big ol'bag of tennis balls and that thing-a-ma-jig that you put the tennis ball in and then launch the ball out of it. He will be super excited. Hopefully, after all that running and chasing he will be very tired!!!|||My dog (female)

Name: Angel

Age:6 years old

im going to get her a new big fluffy bed, a treat stocking, a dog loofa toy, and a big bag of pig ears

My Ferret (male)

Name: Duke

Age:10 months

im going ot get him a hide and sleep tent, loads of treats, loads of tubes, and crackling bed and tube, and a new hammock

My Gerbil (female)

Name: Presley

Age: 1 years old

im going to get her bunches of toilet paper rolls, yogurt treats, bananas, pumpkins seeds, seed paste, shreded paper to lay on, wooden tubes and,3 wooden houeses (she loves those)|||The dogs are getting a stocking full of toys, some more toys wrapped up ;) and new collars.

The indor cat is getting treats and a collar in her stocking (she hates toys).

The outdoor (barn) cats will each get a can of canned cat food as a treat (they only eat dry).|||I usually get them toys or a new special kind of treat or something like that.

This year we're thinking about getting the PediPaws thing or maybe one of the (I don't remember what it's called) things that help with shedding as well as the other stuff.

:)|||I am getting my Lhasa Apso a rawhide bone and maybe one of those toys that has 2 tennis balls connected by a short piece of nylon rope|||My dogs getting a new kong frisbee, hes already chewed threw two but he likes them.|||i think i will get my dogs a huge bone for my rottie and a smaller one for the spaniel lol|||Some small toys for it to play with|||My Rabbit will be getting some treats/food... A pet bed and a new litter box... Our dog will get treats/and toys...

What do you do when you find a tenant got a German Shephard when you said NO PETS?

It is in the lease, you told them no pets, and when you went to get the rent there is a half grown german shephard in a dog pen in the backyard. AND she had only a portion of the rent?|||You evict and sue for new carpeting and landscaping. You will win.

Congrats on the new lawn!|||You give her a 30-day eviction notice for violating the terms of the lease. Then when she moves out, you take any unpaid rent out of the deposit. You also take reasonable fees for marketing the apartment to a new tenant (newspaper ads, credit checks, etc.) out of the deposit.|||I agree with Paul. Be very nice, but be firm...they should receive an eviction notice that they violated their contract and as a result, they will be given 30 days to find a new home. The nicer you can be about it and the earlier you can give them the heads-up, typically the more willing they will be to accept the penalty. If you go in angrily on them like gangbusters, they'll be more likely to trash your house before they leave.|||Evict her.|||Well give them two options. You have a week to get the rest of the rent plus penalties, and get rid of the dog. Or you can find a new place to live by the end of the month. And will see you in court for any monies due, and any damage done.|||You can evict them|||You get rid of the tenant as quickly as possible. Her late rents and dog violation are sufficient to start an eviction action. She has violated two lease clauses.|||You deal with each issue seperately per the Landlord Tenant laws of your state.

You serve her the proper notice for failing to pay in full, depending on your state, it could be 3-10 day Pay or Quit Notice.

You also serve her a notice to cure or quit, per your atates laws, for the pet violation.

She either gets rid of the dog and pays up, moves out or faces eviction.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Is it an instinct to nurture that makes people keep pets or is it some spiritual thing?

Humans are the only species of animal that keep pets. Our cavemen ancestors used to have dogs but they weren鈥檛 pets; they were working animals. But somewhere along the tangled path of human evolution, people began keeping pets for some other reason. Is it a desire for company or is it the thought of another life being totally dependent on you for its survival that gives people the desire to keep pets?|||Humans aren't the only species of animal to keep pets. Koko the gorilla had a pet cat.

And I agree with HUMANIST. Human have pets to nurture and for companionship.|||their helpless eyes make them irresistible|||i think its our desire to love things.|||Nurture %26amp; companionship.|||all living beings can change souls with another physical being once they die and have a conection therefore through|||Most people (excluding atheists) have a lot of love to give and seek out pets as companions to love.

You also seem to be ignorant of the fact that some animals are still used for labor purposes in many parts of the world and the fact that dogs have been "man's best friend" as well as guards, shepherds, hunting companions, ect.|||I have cats and dogs because they are helpless and need us. I have always had a love for all animals...I guess to because what horrible things some humans do to our animals..I cannot even image how a human can abuse any animal!!!!|||Might be related to cognition. Koko the talking Gorilla kept a pet, although I'm unaware to what extent.

Might also be hardwired. We're linked to help other animals which might help us reciprocally.|||I think spirituality is involved because I have always wanted a pet goat.|||Personally, I just like animals. They're cute, they don't care what you look like or what you say, and they're company. And they're fun to take on walks and play with. It's not a spiritual thing or an instinct to nurture...

Also, humans are the only species that is equipped to take care of a pet.|||I can't even give a reason why I love animals so much. ESPECIALLY CATS! But, Desiree, most animals COULD survive without us.|||Well... all pets were once not just pets. We teamed up with other animals and both benefited in some way. Now though, they've become domesticated and while we don't always need them the way we used to we're still friends.

We aren't the only creatures that team up for mutual benefit. There is a word for it and darn it if I can remember...|||I look up to animals for their will to survive. Mine are just particularly interesting too.The cat and snake both eat live or raw meat.That's just kind of awesome.Predators are just fascinating.Snakes and cats are also rather aesthetically pleasing .|||Watch dogs with jobs on TV

How do you upload downloaded pets to sims 2 pets on the computer?

okay, like i went to www.modthesims2.com and i downloaded some pets that i want for my game, but i have NO idea where to put them. i put them in my "Downloads" folder, but they do not show up.

can anybody help me?|||This should be able to help: http://www.sims2wiki.info/wiki.php?title鈥?/a>|||well you have to have the pets pack on your computer then you go to the sims 2.com and click on the pet you want but if you can't just make one similar to it.|||I'm not sure about pets because I don't have pets but does the pet have mesh that also needs to be downloaded to work. Also read any notes the creator left. It could give you a hint of what your problem is.

What are the coolest species of sharks that can domesticated as household pets?

i really want an exotic aquatic pet and i am thinking about getting a shark. i was looking at the leopard shark as a possibility but i am still not entirely sure yet. are shark hard to take care of as pets and how expensive are they?|||Take into consideration what's involved in the set up and maintenance of just a simple 55g,then multiply by at least 20X.Then factor in the feeding requirements for a potential 5' "pet" that needs room to stay in constant motion. Hope you're solidly employed in a secure industry...you'll need that paycheck.

"Exotic" doesn't have to be saltwater.Several freshwater/brackish fish that won't break the bank,are easier maintenance,and still have the " exotic appeal" factor you seem to be looking for are out there.

Always an Arowana/stingray tank which just requires the proper water quality maintenance and care...without breaking the bank.

In direct answer,the largest,most practical,shark I've seen kept is the Brownbanded Bamboo Shark http://saltaquarium.about.com/od/sharkpr… by the average home hobbyist.Some other of the "Catsharks" may be to your liking more.|||Scientists in California say they have created the world’s first domesticated great white shark, a fish so tame it even performs tricks.

A team of genetic engineers and marine biologists at the University of California Los Angeles introduced the 15-foot male shark, named Chompy, at a press conference yesterday at Sea World in San Diego. The team created the creature by injecting the egg of a great white shark with DNA from a Labrador retriever.

Sea World trainers have been secretly working with Chompy for more than a year to prepare him to perform in shows at the ocean-themed amusement park. They first began teaching him to respond to basic commands in a large pool at the facility, then took him out to the ocean for more intensive training.

“We had a little trouble teaching him how to fetch,” said trainer Trina Fisch. “We’d throw out a stick, and he’d eagerly go out after it, but he kept coming back with a seal carcass or a surfer in his jaws.”

The trainers caution that while Chompy is tame, they continue to keep him away from the other performers at the park. His Labrador genes tend to make him overly exuberant at times, running the risk that he’ll accidentally take a bite out of a dolphin or orca during play time.|||Sharks are very difficult to care for,leapard sharks are really hard to. They can be anywhere from 1000-4000$. Not including the tank,the food,the environment,all that stuff. It could cost up to 5000$ for proper care and to be a good home for the shark.

I would not reccomend getting one ebcause its a lot of money to get a shark even worth anything.|||They first began teaching him to respond to basic commands in a large pool at the facility, then took him out to the ocean for more intensive training.|||For any shark you are looking at over 1000 gallons of water, and over 10000 dollars. Also its just a bad idea.|||unless you live in sea world, you can't get a pet shark|||Do you want to set up a big an expensive tank?

If not, please consider a different fish.

Why are some animals capable of being domesticated as pets while most others are not?

And how many animals are considered to be domesticated? Dogs, cats, horses...but fish, ferrets, mice? How is domesticated defined, as in house pets versus farm animals versus raising a 'big cat', legally or illegally?|||Domestication is the process whereby a population of animals through a process of selection, becomes accustomed to human provision and control. A defining characteristic of domestication is artificial selection by humans. Some species such as the Asian Elephant, numerous members of which have for many centuries been used as working animals, are not domesticated because they have not normally been bred under human control, even though they have been commonly tamed.

Animals domesticated for home companionship are usually called pets while those domesticated for food or work are called livestock or farm animals.

A pet is an animal kept for companionship and enjoyment or a household animal, as opposed to wild animals or to livestock, laboratory animals, working animals or sport animals, which are kept for economic or productive reasons. The most popular pets are noted for their loyal or playful characteristics, for their attractive appearance, or for their song. Pets also generally seem to provide their owners with non-trivial health benefits; keeping pets has been shown to help relieve stress to those who like having animals around.

Many cities and towns have local ordinances limiting the number of pets a person may have, and may also restrict or forbid certain pets, such as exotics. Certain breeds of dog, such as pit bulls and rottweilers, are banned in some places. Dog/other canid/wolf mixes are also banned in some places.

In many locations, animals that are considered pets by their owners but are legally classified as livestock, including horses, pigs, camelids, and fowl may be banned from being kept within the city limits or restricted to property of a certain larger size.

To me an aquarium with fish is I consider fish as a domesticated animal, whereas a dog, cat and some birds, etc. can be considered as pets.

I would like to note some domesticated pigs could be as loyal or possibly more loyal and trained than some dogs.

Not all communities accept domesticated pigs as a household pet.

Pigs are known to be intelligent animals and can be trained similarly to dogs, though they may excel in different tasks. Asian pot-bellied pigs, a small type of domestic pig, have made popular house pets in the United States beginning in the latter half of the 20th century. Regular domestic farmyard pigs have also been known to be kept indoors, but due to their large size and destructive tendencies, they typically need to be moved into an outdoor pen, as they grow older. Most pigs have a fear of being picked up, but will usually calm down once placed back on the floor. Pigs are rarely used as working animals. An exception is the use of truffle pigs 鈥?ordinary pigs trained to find truffles.

Miniature pigs, also called micro or teacup pigs, which are specifically bred to be small (from 29-65 lbs) gained in popularity in fall of 2009 after several mainstream press articles claimed they were a popular pet to celebrities such as Rupert Grint of Harry Potter fame.|||Certain species of animals are herd animals, or animals that live in communities and groups, and therefore they tend to see their human adopters as another form of this group. This is why baby ducklings can fixate on just about any creature when they are born and think that is their mother... They are built for it.

All animals, even domesticated ones, retain their natural instincts to hunt etc. So whereas you might be able to domesticate a big cat, its still going to see you as "prey" in certain circumstances. And again, this is why dogs such as pitbulls often attack little children. Dogs tend to be scavengers that hunt the weak or helpless, or small animals like squirrels etc...

Herbivores, obviously, are always going to be easier to domesticate than carnivores, hence the widespread horse, cattle, pig, chicken populations...

Also, mammals tend to have higher brain development than reptiles, which rely largely on their brain stems for guidance - the more autonomic, primitive brain system. This is why reptiles are more likely to eat their own young. They don't have the need or motivation to act in a parenting role as much as mammals do, who have offspring that take longer to mature...|||This is a very broad question which would take the equivalent of several books to answer completely. In a nutshell, though, animals were chosen by early humans for domestication based on their value to the human tribe. Cats eat rodents, and early humans with their agricultural societies needed something to keep the pests out of the grain stores. They simply took advantage of the cat's natural instincts and then improved upon them. Early cow ancestors were less likely to be flighty, had a herd temperment, and could be enclosed in corrals easier than say deer or zebras. Then, it was simply a matter of breeding out the less desirable traits and keeping the more desirable traits in the captive livestock. It occurred over many years, and the modern cows, pigs, and sheep are not very much like the original animals they were originally bred from.

All the many species of dogs came from mainly wolves, and when you think of the many breeds of dogs, it is amazing how they stem from one (or two) species. There are many books that do a better job than I can do here of explaining why some animals are more likely to be domesticated than others.|||I'm not really sure how to answer the question, but I'll take a stab at it. I've had lots of different animals over the years, and some are just naturally tamer than others. One way of looking at it is, if the animal got a chance, would it harm you. In the case of big cats, I think the answer would be yes. I've never had one, but I'm convinced from watching the house cats that I did have, if they were big enough, they would've harmed me (if it meant food for them). I've had 6 foxes over the years (my icon is one) and they are loving, to an extent, but they aren't happy unless they are free. Dogs accept us as a part of the pack and are happy to share their lives with us. Cats like humans because we make their lives easier. Ferrets like our company as do rats. Mice would probably be happier on their own, but they won't turn down a free meal. For the most part, I think it boils down to, is the animal a social one? Most of the domesticated animals are rather social. Dogs live in packs, horses and cattle in herds. Rats are happiest when they live with other rats. Foxes are semi-social, they have relationships with other foxes, yet spend most of their time alone. Cats are a bit odd, since they are content to be on their own. But as I suggest, they are only barely tame. So I guess it boils down to the natural sociality of the animal.|||You'll notice that most 'domesticated' or 'pet' animals are 'social' animals.

They are instinctively 'wired' to live in a group, and can be trained to accept

man as 'group leader'.

Solitary animals like cats, bears, weasels, (ferrets), etc. are not suitable 'pet'

material unless they're too small to be dangerous.|||Cats and Dogs are domestic

Lizards, birds, fish, wild cats, zebras, etc. Are not domestic and should remain in the wild.

Where do you leave your pets when you travel?

I like to travel a lot but I really want to adopt a dog, an iguana, and tortoises. Should I not have any pets because I like to travel? I would be too afraid to take them with me anywhere or leave them in the hands of some stranger.

What do you do when you travel but have pets?|||I don't travel a lot a lot but when I do go camping or out of state I usually have someone my dog loves watch him while I am gone out of town but when I go camping he comes with me. Also with my other pets I have 3 bettas and 3 sugar gliders and 2 hedgehogs I usually pay someone to feed them everyday. I don't like to make them travel bc its a lot of stress on them and I have a bird so I have sorta figured out what to do with her bc I don't wanna leave her alone so she will either go over to my aunts wit her bird or go to my grandparents where she can still have human contact bc they need human interaction even if it not a lot of holding|||if u adopt a tiny puppy like little ones, u can take them with u and put them in the doggy purse. or if u get a bigger dog put them in a good kennel, or have a family member watch them :)|||you can lend them to a family member or you can take them to a kennel or some pet place where they take ur pet b fore you go out on vacation or something like that i lend mine to a family member to take care of him because i can trust them|||My husband and I take turns travelling so that one of us is home with our pets. On the odd occasion we need to travel together (wedding, birth of a child, etc.) then we have friends that we leave our pets with.|||i usually leave them at home but hire a pet sitter to come and take care of them twice a day for them to recieve care and love|||my dogs go in the local doggie hotel (kennel). it's expensive but i know they are well taken care of|||i leave my pets at my aunt's house|||i have a dog-- a huge one....

i leave him at my grandma's, my uncle's my cousin's or my parent's houses... OR.. i will ask my mom %26amp; dad or any of the others that i trust to stop by the house a few times a day %26amp; play with him %26amp; let him outside to go to the bathroom %26amp; make sure he has fresh water %26amp; food. i only do that when it's like an overnight trip.. and i'll be back the very next day.. if it's a 2 day long or longer trip, i leave him with a family member, so he gets played with %26amp; fed %26amp; watered %26amp; isn't lonely or anything like that. if i can, i will take my dog with me. if i'm driving, my dog goes with me. if i'm flying, i don't bring him, because it will get too cold and i don't trust people that i don't know with his care. my dog- even though he's over 100 pounds, is VERY well trained. he walks on a leash with ease %26amp; doesn't pull- even my grandma prefers walking my dog, rather than her boston terrier! the terrier pulls and strains and chokes himself.. my dog is happy just walking along beside or in front of my grandma.

i don't trust kennels. if you leave your pet at a kennel, research it thoroughly %26amp; make sure to bring the dog a bed, because he or she will likely be sleeping on concrete if you don't..

if you're going to get a pet %26amp; you travel... then i'd recommend getting one that people won't mind taking for a few days... like a dog or a cat. get one whose food isn't weird and gross (like bugs/mice/etc).. i wouldn't get an iguana or turtle. most people will just view them as a pain in the rear end and their food is too gross to make other people handle... a dog or cat most people like %26amp; wouldn't mind watching for a couple days. you'll just have to make sure that it does well around new people.. so getting a friendly breed is important. i wouldn't recommend getting a small dog, because they tend to be very annoying.. they bark a lot %26amp; if you leave your pet in the care of someone else, you need to take that into consideration. barking non stop at every little thing day and night will get annoying for the person.. all little dogs bark like that. i'd suggest getting a larger dog that will bark less and that doesn't have a lot of issues with their hips... so no golden retrievers, labs or german shepherds.

i'd recommend getting a mixed breed dog, because they tend to have more even temperaments and are more solidly built %26amp; not AS prone to genetic defects as purebred dogs. purebreeds are often inbred, so their genetics are very limited. especially in dogs like the king charles cavalier spaniels, whose brains grow to be bigger than their skulls, or boxers who have seizures constantly.

get a medium sized mixed dog.. make sure it's well socialized and potty trained. people won't mind taking care of it for a few days. a boy dog would be better than a girl dog, because girl dogs tend to pee when they get excited %26amp; that is a pain in the butt to clean up. also, you'll have all sorts of male dogs trying to hump her all the time. better just to get a boy dog %26amp; get him neutered.--- out of consideration for whoever you'll be leaving him with.

medium to large sized male mixed breed dog that's well socialized, likes children and doesn't mind other animals, can be walked on a leash with ease and doesn't bark all day and all night... that's the ideal doggy house guest. :)

if you're wondering what my dog is-- he's 1/2 australian shepherd and 1/2 great northern pyrenees. he has long white fur, which is my only complaint of him- he sheds A LOT... but his personality makes up for it %26amp; it's not so bad if he's brushed at least once a day %26amp; bathed once a week. :) everybody loves him %26amp; he loves everybody right back. lol he does not lick people, he is more of a snuggler.. he loves being petted and hugged. he loves babies, he loves kids, he loves adults, he loves big dogs and little dogs, but isn't too fond of cats. xD he's incredibly smart.. if you want him to sit, you snap your fingers once.. if you want him to lay down, you just make a hand gesture %26amp; he lays down--- you don't even have to use vocal commands for "sit" "stay" or "lay down"... :D you can.. but is not necessary. i tried to make him the best he could be, so other people wouldn't mind watching him or letting their kids play with him %26amp; stuff. :) he's a big ol goof ball.. lol if i could, i would have another one just like him. :)

What dog breed would be good with my other pets?

I have a 3 year old bunny and a 1 year old hamster, what dog would be good with my pets? I'm not a big fan of little dogs. I really like Great Danes, but would they be okay with my other furry friends? I would want a dog at least the size of a Lab or bigger.

Thanks for answering

:)|||a english mastiff is like a great dane but not as tall but heavyer they are the heavyest breed I own one she loves animals she is a gental giant and is smart and loves everywon|||A stuffed dog.

There is NO breed of dog that would definitely NOT harm a rabbit or especially a hamster. There is a huge amount of variation from one individual to another within any breed, so you would need an individual dog that has almost no prey drive, which is very unusual in ANY breed. Personally, I would not trust any dog around a pet hamster or rabbit. Even if it did not view the small animal as prey and try to kill it, which is extremely likely, it could accidentally hurt such a small animal very badly by trying to play with it. Why don't you plan on keeping your dog away from your hamster if you must get a dog?|||a bullmaster would be great the are calm

Do you think prisoners should be allowed to keep pets?

I think they should because it would give prisoners a chance to get to know animals and maybe more constuctive in our society. It would also give homeless pets or ones of death row a new life as well. They can learn hands on experience and teach them how to work when they get out. Maybe give them to less violent offender though. Not ones that are very dangerous towards others or animals.|||yes, I just saw a wonderful show on NGC about prisoners and dogs they rehabilitated, the prisoners do some wonderful work with the dogs and then they are adopted out, so it's saving some dogs from death's door and teaching hardened criminals

empathy and caring about other living creatures...some of the prisoners actually cried when their dog was adopted|||Not too sure that would be a good idea. Imagine the smell if most of them had either cats or dogs in their tiny cells. I think a communal dog would be good for some prisoners like they do in hospitals. They're trained and are'nt vicious. Imagine some prisoners with dogs - they'd be betting on dog fights etc. In shawshank it was nice when that older prisoner had his bird but that bird had flown in and hurt itself so he kept it and he was lonely and the bird was his friend. Maybe prisons could have a small farmyard like in big brother and they all get turns to go feed and pet them each week or each day someone different does it. IF they want to be in the program that is.|||okay so yeah i totally think thats a good idea, and it is already in practice and just to clear a few things up about.

* The prisoners are hand selected they don't just hand out the dogs willy nilly

* The dogs are not given to serious offenders, they did drugs, sold drugs and so on most cases the dogs are not given to are hardened criminals

*the dogs don't stay forever they are trained to be service animals than re homed with a person who needs a service dog.

* The inmates are at JAIL. Theyre are guard constantly and cameras in their cells. Theyre isn't anything a prisoner could get away with|||NO, I dont think prisoners should have pets.

Pets are a luxury item. If we put pets in the prison system, that is just another expense for taxpayers. Alot of prisons already have cable tv and internet.. I dont even think the prisoners should have access to that!

There are programs where certain prisoners can get invovled with puppy raising programs. Facilities that train service dogs need puppies raised to adult hood.. these pups need housebroken, socialized, obedience trained, and taught basic manners. These pups are owned by the facility, and are returned after a year to become service dogs. I do agree with these programs.|||Absolutely not. Could you imagine what the sick minded people in prison could do to their pets? Why would you want to put innocent pets in that kind of danger? They have other opportunities in prison, if they really want to become good citizens with something to offer to society. They have libraries and even have the opportunity to take college courses from prison.|||I think that it is a good idea because it can help people to become kind to animals and maybe later, kinder to people.

It wouldn't be a good idea to do it if they were cruel to animals before. It would give them something to do and might give the animal another chance.|||I know at some prisons they are training shelter dogs, and some are even training wild mustangs. For some I think it's a great idea.. But others don't even diserve the company of animals.|||yeah....i agree with you i was watching on TLC or something about prisoners having cats at their yard...and the prisoners are like their my babies and it gives cats or pets a new life...|||No, because they may miss treat the animals. They are also in prison for commiting a crime, its not suppose to a comforting just like home place.