Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Why is neutering pets not considered cruel?

I mean would you like to be neutered? If people can't deal with fully-functioning pets then they just shouldn't have them. Why doesn't PETA and other animal rights gropus get after people who neuter animals the same way they went after Michael Vick?|||A lot of animals, especially those bred as pets are prone to cancers (e.g. in rabbits, 80% of doe's are likely to get cancer) that spaying will prevent.

Also most pets are bought single pets and the very strong instinct to breed can cause agression in lots of animals as they 'fight' for top place.

And in you own words "If people can't deal with fully-functioning pets then they just shouldn't have them" How many people could own a dozen fully functioning pets... the first time around. These dozen will reproduce and reproduce again.

If pets are allowed to breed they will cause a lot of genetic defects from inbreeding|||It all comes down to controlling the animal population. Too many times, animals are put down at shelters because there are to many animals to adopt them all or it becomes over crowed. By neutering/spaying, we help to control the population os animals. Have you ever watched Animal Precinct on the animal channel?

Anyway, it's not cruel because the animal is sedated so it doesn't feel the operation. It also helps the animal live a longer, healthier life because it reduces the risk of the animal getting a cancer related to its genitals.|||The biggest argument behind this is controlling the pet population. The reality is, if no animals were neutered at all, then there would be a lot more homless pets running around, and that would be considered more cruel than neutering- letting them reproduce when you know you can't keep the pets or know there is already too many in the area. It may be a little cruel, but that's the price to pay to keep as many pets off the street as possible. And I would love to be neutered.

Edit: Oh, and some female dogs have nasty and heavy periods, and I dont know about you, but I don't want that all over my bed and kitchen floor!|||Neutering prevents reproductive cancers. This is extremely important for some species, such as rabbits, that have very high uterine cancer rates.

A huge reason is to protect the potential babies that could result from an intact pet. If a dog has a litter of puppies, what happens to them? Some might get good homes, but many end up in shelters, euthanized, or in unfit homes. Having an overabundance of pets is probably the greatest factor in animal abuse.|||spaying and neutering is one of the kindest things you can do.. there are MANY health benefits to spaying and neutering, besides removing the risk of unwanted litters.

Just because you have issues with your sexuality doesnt mean an animal feels the same way about its genitals.

For the record.. I'd love to be spayed.|||Would you rather see people euthanizing so many unwanted animals? Would this be more humane?

Neutering/spaying animals is for their own health benefit. So why would you go after someone who is trying to help their animals and keep them from suffering?

Also there are millions of animals being destroyed yearly in USA. That is because there is no homes for them. People let their unfixed animals out and they are multiplying very fast.

read website below. I work at the vet office on the weekends only and see female animals weekly with that. When this happens often they day within a day or two without emergency surgery.

There are many types of cancer that can be prevented with fixing your pet too.

I think we should go after people who crop ears and dock tails and declaw. Those are procedures that are just for benefit of nothing and it is a mutilation of an animal.

I believe it should be mandatory to fix at least some humans to. This world is overpopulated with horrible people.

How about we go after idiots who circumcise boys? this is all done for money.|||-It prevents certain types of cancer.

-It allows the dog to live peacefully as a family pet without the "gotta get me some" feeling...

-Human males are often "neutered" as well. They do it when they no longer want to have children, etc. The same goes with the dog. We have them neutered so they no longer have puppies because we know there are too many as it is and the ones that the dog produced would likely be suffer as a result of the overpopulation and to allow the breeding would be CRUEL!

-Dogs are not like human males by the way. They are not as prideful and they do not think of sex in the same way you do.|||Many animals that do not get fixed and do not breed develop reproductive cancer or other related diseases.

How would you like to be a cat in heat and not be able to do anything about it? My brother and his wife didn't get their cat fixed right away, and she was MISERABLE when she went into heat. Female cats who don't get fixed aren't the only ones who are miserable, either.

It is gross for the owners-- vaginal fluid, humping, menstruation, etc.

Then there are the behavioral problems.

Pet overpopulation is a HUGE issue. Do you really think it is worse to fix animals than to let them roam the street and be put down in shelters because no one is able to care for them?

If animals even realize that something has been taken from them, it doesn't seem to worry them much. I haven't seen a single fixed animal in a loving home that isn't as happy as it would be if it were intact.

Why are you projecting your perceived necessity for potency onto ignorant animals??|||When a human women is physically ready to get pregnant she don't just the first person she sees. A human may be ovulating but most put a lot of thought into pregnancy.

A cat or dog doesn't ask their mate if they're really financially and emotionally ready to have puppies or kittens.

Humans use birth control and many people choose to be sterilized if they do not want children or have had all the children they want.

My cats are not suffering because they can't have kittens together. For female cats I wouldn't say they enjoy mating. Who wants a barbed penis coming at them.|||well some people don't have enough money to keep the pet. Well if the pet has offspring they can't pay for that. They just don't want to go through the hassle.

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