Tuesday, November 22, 2011

How do you make your warlock pets talk?

In WoW I will sometimes hear a warlock pet say something out of the ordinary. For example, while in the Goldshire Inn, an Imp was heard saying something like "If you tell on me, I'll tell on you."

I've heard other pets do it while the warlock was idle and not in combat.

Any clues?|||He probably just clicked on the imps fireshield spell !!

When casting Fire Shield:

"What's in it for me?"

"Do I have to?!"

"You know we've had some real good times together but I really think I should start seeing other warlocks. Just a little on the side. No no no it's not you, it's me. I just really need my space"

When Dismissed:

"Don't call on me, I'll call on you."

"Goodbye. Thanks."

"*indistinct grumbling* ...wish you were DEAD.."

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