Friday, November 11, 2011

How did you keep your pets out of your babies crib?

My cats are always trying to get into the babys bassinet, playyard, and crib....what did you do to keep your pets out of the babies stuff? |||you are supposed to never leave the cat and the baby in the same room alone because a cat can and will sit on the baby and suffocate it. i had some friends who put a screen door on their baby's nursery door so they could keep the main door open but still keep the cat out.|||We had this problem to and just decided to give the cats to a family member until the baby got a little bit bigger. We didnt want to take any chances.|||I closed the door|||You just try to keep the cat in another area in your house and let it get used to staying there. My family has lots of dogs.....when our fave baby nephew we keep the dogs in the kitchen area...we had a "doggy door" built in the pathway to separate the kitchen and living room.|||i have 2 cats and they have never tried to get into the baby's stuff. i like to think the reason for that is that as we accumlated things for the baby (crib, bassinet, etc), we let the cats sniff and investigate the items. Then when the baby came home, we introduced the baby to them, letting them sniff him and his crib, sniff him and his play yard, etc. i think eventually they got the picture that these new items belonged to baby. But cats being naturally curious, you should let them sniff and check out the items and they will get the point.

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