Saturday, November 19, 2011

Are huskies really so difficult to keep as pets?

I absolutely adore huskies but people warn me that they are not easy to have as pets. I understand that you don't want to keep a husky if you have a pristine house but are they really so difficult?|||First of all, please do not listen to the majority of people answering this question. Most of them have no idea what they are talking about and I seriously doubt they have ever owned a Siberian Husky.

I will do my best to debrief you on this breed. Feel free to email me or look in my previous answers. I have answered a LOT of questions about Huskies. My track record should prove my knowledge of this breed.

Huskies are a difficult breed to own. I probably talk more people out of getting Husky, but I just want to make sure they know what they are getting into and that the dog will have a good home with knowledgeable owners.

Yes, if you like a pristine house Huskies are probably not the breed for you. They shed a lot. Seasoned owners joke that they shed from September to February and from March till August. They have two coats...not three, and blow twice a year. By blowing I mean the hair comes out in chunks. You have to brush them constantly, and a regular brush will not work. You need to invest in a shedding blade and undercoat rake. You should NEVER shave a Husky. They have a double coat for a reason. It protects them from the cold and the heat. If you shave the dog you will risk sunburn and/or heatstroke. Shaving your Husky can kill it. They never need cut or trimmed, the only exception is the hair between their toes and this is usually only done when showing the dog professionally.

Huskies can be kept in apartments or small houses. The problem is just lazy owners that don't take the time to properly exercise the dog. They do fine in the city and do NOT need lots of room to roam. They should never be allowed off leash. They wander endlessly and have no sense of direction and will more than likely never come back.

You will need a 6 foot privacy fence if you plan to let them off leash. They also dig craters, but this can be curbed.

Huskies don't have to live in the snow either. They do fine in warmer climates so long as they are kept indoors when the temps rise above 90 degrees.

Huskies are NOT related to wolves. Not even close.

They do not eat a lot, nor do they require a raw diet. They do just fine with dog food. Be careful of allergies though.

Huskies can be hard to train because of their stubborness. They don't bite if they don't get their way. Come on people. I can't believe some of the answers on here! They to tend to talk back if they don't get what they want. They don't normally bark, but will howl and woo.

They do tend to have a high prey drive and not all get along with small animals.

They are good with children and extremely social. You just have to be careful, but that comes with ANY breed.

Huskies are "hairy houdinis". They are extremely smart and learn to open doors, gates, all kinds of things.

Huskies require a lot of attention and have a mind of their own. This is why they are not recommended for first time owners. They have to have a owner who is extremely patient and enjoys trying to outsmart their Husky. Owners must be dominant and strong willed or the Husky will walk all over them. You must establish dominance early and be consistent. If the Husky sees a lack in dominance he will take advantage of it.

Look in my previous answers for questions about Huskies, there is tons of info in there.|||Not all Huskies run away when off the leash. I've proved it with my 1yr old husky. She will walk anywhere with me by my side down the street or just lay in the front yard when i'm in the garden. Even if a dog comes by. The key is trust in your husky and make them know whos boss. They are loving dogs

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|||Yes! They are very unique dogs. They are a strong breed! Any dog can mess up a pristine house. This is a working dog breed! They need alot of exercise and are considered runners! Its hard to keep this dog home. I personally do not like the breed but thats my prefrence. I do think they are beautifull but just no use to me on a farm. My brother had two huskies and even raised with cats, they never left the cats alone. My one friend had one and when he matured he started having unprovoked aggression. He became dangerous and unpredictable that he was put down. The vet said it wasn't all that uncommon in that breed. Thats what he said, not me!!|||Huskies are beautiful dogs, and can be wonderful pets. But they are very close to wolves, so you'll have to make sure they understand that you- not they- are the leader.

If the dog is well trained, there is absolutely no reason why you can't have a husky as a pet.|||I have one and he is wonderful. One could never ask for a more loving animal.

The downside is that they shed almost constantly, even with brushing several times a day, there is always hair on the floor and carpeting.

They are also diggers and like to run.

They have a mind of their own and are very stubborn, also.|||Hi, I have a Husky myself and yes they are very adorable, but they are very wild and do not listen. You need to have a big open area to keep them excercise them. A apartment would not be the greatest for a husky. You need to walk them daily too. Always make sure you have a collar on them too, they LOVE to run, and they don't stop intill their paws bleed. Not to dissuade you but you have to make sure that you are ready for this reponsibltiy.|||if you get one an easy way to prevent fur from getting on everything is to have them shaved. not too short but cut down to about 1in. you will still need to brush daily so they dont get matted. another thing is train them not to get on the couch/beds and keep them out of certain rooms you dont want fur. instead give them a bed of their own. i would advise going through a training program. its harder to fix problems when they're older than it is when they're still a puppie. training classes will also create a stronger bond between you and the dog.|||Huskies are made to be able to travel for days at a time. so when then are stuck inside the house or confined in a yard, they really feel the need to just get out and run for days on end. Its just in their blood! They make good pets if you give them enough exercise, but they require A LOT of exercise! They can jump a six-foot fence with no problem....|||Just like any dog, they require plenty of excercise. Huskies do not need to be kept in a warm climate so if you live in the south then you do not need a husky- also, it needs to be inside the majority of the day unless you are outside with it because they overheat easily. They require grooming almost daily because of their fur so make sure you are willing to do that.|||They're high energy dogs who need to run. My parents were given a husky when I was a kid and that dog couldn't be outside without a leash or he would go to the neighbors farm and chase their animals (over a mile away)! One day he snuck out and never returned. A few times he came home dragging a chewed rope. I think someone liked him and stole him. :( Do a lot of research before deciding to get one of these dogs.|||Huskies are a wonderful dog to have as a pet. The only "downsides" are: they shed...A LOT! They have three coats and in the spring/summer they blow out the two coats not necessary due to warm weather. You can not be a lazy dog owner! These dogs need lots of exercise...if you love to run, take long walks or hike they are excellent companions(as they do not get tired easily). If you don't exercise them enough they can become like a child who's not been able to expend energy...not pretty. The other"downside", they need to live in an area where there's plenty of room to roam outside in a large outdoor kennel or on a lead..they love to be outside!! This is not the best dog to get if you have small apartment in the city. Also they are a pack animal and once you have bonded with your husky they consider you part of their pack, they want to spend time with you and can get upset or destructive when you don't spend enough time with them.

All in all I don't think they are difficult...maybe in the high maintenance category. An excellent, lovable, friendly dog, with a personality like no other dog!|||Let me make this clear.


Likewise; Siberian huskies need plenty of room to run around in, they're very active dogs; as they are a working-class dog. They need to have daily exorcise for AT LEAST an hour, to two hours a day. They eat alot, and the healthiest diet for them is a raw-meat diet. They like to chew. They like to chew alot. Infact, they will chew on anything they can get their paws on. They're a thick-headed breed, and are a bit difficult to train for beginners, however they ARE extremely intelligent, and you will need a higher-than normal fence, and the fence should be buried atleast 3 feet under ground, as huskies WILL jump/climb over fences, and dig under them in search of adventure. Huskies have the "pack" mentality bread into them, so 2+ huskies will be the best option to keep your dogs happy. Also; siberian huskies are notorious for killing livestock, and smaller animals. They've been known to take cats into their "pack" but eventually kill the cat for no apparent reason. They are great family dogs, but just like any breed: Do NOT LEAVE YOUR CHILDREN UNSUPERVISED WITH THE DOG.

Also, please understand that NO Siberian Husky, or Malamute is to be trusted OFF OF A LEASH. Plain and simple, dogs are BRED TO RUN. They WILL RUN given the chance, because they ENJOY RUNNING.|||They like to run, that is just what that breed does. And not to mention the overabundace of hair once it starts to blow its coat, I think they do that like twice yearly....I think....beautiful dogs though|||They r ok once they r trained but they try to take over the place and if they don't get there way they will bite

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