Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Vegans do you put your old sick pets to sleep?

If not how do you deal with old sick pets? My mom waited until her dog was 17before putting it down. Poor dog seemed in so much pain when she was put to sleep, it seemed the merciful thing to do.|||Proper animal care has really nothing to do with a diet choice. IMO. If my dog is very old AND very sick I would make the decision to have him put down, but I love my dog, so I'd rather wait until nothing else can be done. Being old is not a cause for euthanasia, they just need special care. Depending on their size, a dog can like up to 15 to 20 years, maybe more. If a dog has an inoperable cancer or aggressive infection, then yeah, I would have to put it down.

The only way my veganism would come into play is that I love my dog, and I would only want as little pain in his life as possible, as I would want for any animal lol :D|||Veganism is way more than just a diet. It is a lifestyle that embodies the idea that animals are not property and we need to eliminate all forms of their exploitation towards them.

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|||I don't have pets I do have some companion animals though and they are not "it"s. an "it" is an inanimate object not a living breathing being.

However I would not prolong anybodies life if they were in pain. I don't want my life extended briefly if I was in extreme pain so I would very well do it too anybody else. I am not anti-death, I am anti humyns getting involved with somebody else's life and exploiting them or treating them as property. Everyone eventually dies and the best thing to do is let them either die naturally or if they are in pain help them get peace. No need to keep somebody in pain or on pills and life support if they are not going to live much longer.|||I've only had one pet who has had to be put down, and that was 8 years ago, back when I ate meat. But, my thoughts on it would still be the same today as a vegan. He was a cat (16 years old) who out of nowhere suddenly became very ill, not moving, not eating, not drinking, he just got like this one day, and we tried to help hm at home on the vets advice, but he wasn't getting better, so we took him to the vets where they tried to help him, but they couldn't get him better either. His organs were failing. It was the fairest thing to do to put him down. He wasn't going to get better, and he was obviously suffering. We took him outside just so he could have a lie on the grass in the sunshine in our garden for the last time before we took hm to the vets - hoping for a miracle recovery I think as well, but noone said it - we knew really then that he wouldn't get better. Damn, I'm feeling weepy about it now. Not about putting him to sleep, but just remembering these things - he was such a nice cat. I never knew a time without him because we took him in as a stray kitten when I was a toddler, because he kept coming into our garden apparently, and noone could trace his owners, reckon he was dumped. *sigh*|||i dont support euthanasia but i know that most of the other vegans ive talked to do support it. my reasoning is that animals are totally instinctual---they WANT to live. if they want to die they stop eating (and wont live long after that). i had a 17 year old dog (who i had since i was 2 years old) who died painfully from cancer. eventually she stopped eating mostly (i could get her to lick baby food off my finger a little bit though). it was really hard (understatement) but she died at home in her bed with me next to her.

i want to add that we dont kill humans if they are terminally ill and in pain if they WANT to live. i dont see why there is a double-standard with animals.|||See, even the deer hunter can agree with us on this. haha. If a dog is old and sick, then yes, the best thing is to put it down humanely, at a vet clinic, by leathal injection. Gas chambers, drowning, shooting and stabbing are not what i would consider humane, expecially in the case of man's best friend... unfortunetly these sorts of euthinasia still occur in shelters to perfectly healthy shelter dogs. So to answer your question, if it is called for and absoultely nessicarry, i dont see a vegan making their poor pet suffer. And to that person who brought up the fact that the animal will starve itself, that is really horrible. I had a cat that did that. It killed me to watch her do it. I was immature at the time and i wanted her to live as long as possible, but now that i look back, i really wish my parents would have put her down...|||Vegans are not anti death, they're anti suffering. My cat is 18 years old and is now on the brink - she has been losing weight and becoming incontinent, and has also become completely deaf over the last six months. But she is still eating well and going about her day quite happily. She still has a good quality of life. As soon as that ceases to be the case, I know I'll have to get her euthanised.|||I don't know any vegans who are opposed to euthanasia. Probably 90% of the animals rescued by activists are euthanised, which is why we go in and take them in the first place. I have killed animals myself when they were suffering and would not have survived their injuries. If my cat ends up suffering I will euthanise him, just as I would expect to be done to me if I lost my quality of life.|||I've never met a vegan who didn't put the pets best interest first. I think it is the most responsible and loving thing to do. I had to do it 5 years ago and bawled my eyes out while holding my dog that had gotten cancer. Makes me wonder why we don't allow it for humans, though.|||Most Vegans believe that it is ok to have an old old animal put to sleep if it can not be cured and the animal is in extreme pain, i would think any vegan who kept a suffering animal alive for the sake of their own values is just cruel|||Most vegans are for the humanity of the animal. A dog that has a great life for 17 years should not spend final days in agonizing pain. Sometimes the hard choice is the humane choice.

Sorry for your loss.|||What on earth does being vegan have to do with not humanely treating an animal? Of course vegan pet owners have to deal with that difficult choice. This may be one of the most idiotic questions I have ever read.|||Blah? You let your dog die painfully from cancer? Wow what a horrible thing to do. The best thing would have been to put the poor dog to sleep so it wouldn't suffer.

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