Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What Do I do when my 15 year daughter have a thing for pets but where we live there a pay for pet policy that?

When she see cats and dogs she want them. She had a dog once and the land lord made us get rid of it because we were breaking the lease. Now we live where pets are allowed but no funds to cover the cost. Please help?|||what about a nintendo ds with the game nintendogs|||Maybe she can volunteer at a shelter? Red Cross I know offers a program teens.

My kids always do the promise that they will keep up after the animals and all will be good. I always end up taking care of them!

Good luck! Also, maybe a friend has a pet that can be kept at the friends house and then she can go to the friends house, be supervised and still keep a pet? Or maybe one of those computer pets?

There is a web site that is your towns name and then yardsales.com like ours is rileyyardsales.com You can post free items or wanted ones.

Also, maybe if you explain to her the situation and show her a copy of the leese it will be helpful or allow her to come up with a solution. Good luck.|||How about trying pet sitting for a while. Not only would your daughter have the opportunity to socialize with pets, but she will also earn some money for the deposit to get another pet in your home.|||She's 15- she's old enough to understand if you can't afford a pet.

Is it possible she could get something like a hamster or fish? Something to call her own.|||Why doesn't she get a job at the animal shelter or someplace where she could be with animals. Then she could could earn money to get her own pet while still being around animals.|||Is it just a pet deposit? You can usually get that back at the end of the lease.|||Just say no until your income can support a pet or she gets a babysitting job and can pay for it~

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