Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What is the law in california for pets inside stores?

I have a 5 month old puppy, who is teacup size. We sometimes end up bringing him in stores in his "dog purse". He doesnt go out of it and is usually sleeping while we shop for a few minutes. Most people never notice he is there and hes not causing any trouble. Today at a store the employees were really angry he was in the store and we left. They said its violating health code.What is the exact health code regarding pets in stores? Please let me know, were not trying to cause any trouble :(|||I have never had this problem in every PetSmart and Petco store in California that I have gone to. I have seen several outdoor restaurants with pet animals at their patio tables. And I have been to more than one Barnes and Noble that allowed licensed, well-behaved, leashed dogs inside their bookstores. My thoughts are that it is obviously up to the discretion of each individual store owner.

Additional Details:

Go to http://www.ca.gov/ and click on *Health*. There are six different kinds of health departments, so good luck with that.

*/End of Line.|||i know, try bring a hamster in a purse and see what happens|||Same as throughout most of the country. Guide and service animals are allowed, but NOT ordinary pets you want to bring along.|||Well if you live in San Francisco, then you can have your boyfriend on a lease and lead him into any store you want provided he is wearing a gimp mask. As far as animal pets go I don't know.|||No pets allowed especially if food stuff is around. Health ordinances. Only service canines are allowed.|||Pets - OK, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Fienstein, and Barbara

Boxer must be chained to parking meter outside!|||Animals, other than service animals such as seeing eye dogs, are not allowed in stores. Period.

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